Blog posts of '2021' 'September'

Foaming gel – A refreshing skin cleanser
Foaming gel – A refreshing skin cleanser

Foaming gel: The anti-pollution cleanser


Confronted with ambient air pollution, dust, and sweat sticking to your skin, once you get home in the evening, you want purity when removing your makeup. If you like the contact and freshness of water, the foaming gel will effectively eliminate the pollution and impurities that have accumulated during the day. Opt for a glycerin-based foaming gel, which will leave your skin perfectly hydrated and, most importantly, counter the effects of hard tap water. It is worth noting that foaming gels do not remove all makeup pigments. You never leave the house without a little eye shadow and mascara? Our recommendation: use a makeup removing oil together with a foaming gel.


Foaming gel: A 3 step detox

– Lather a small amount of gel with water and apply in a circular motion.

– Move from the T-zone to the facial contours.

– Then move down towards the neck and nape of the neck and rinse thoroughly with water

Pregnancy and acne – good habits to adopt
Pregnancy and acne – good habits to adopt

4 out of 60 expecting moms have acne during their pregnancies. Acne is not just for teenagers. During pregnancy, pregnant women may see their acne problems come back. Hormones are to blame! It even affects 4 out of 60 expectant moms. 


Learn more about the advice of Brigitte Letombe, gynecologist at the CHRU in Lille to say goodbye to these pimples. Brigitte’s first observation: it is generally women who had acne during adolescence who will see the trend reappear while they are expecting. So as soon as the good news is announced, stay vigilant and adapt your regimen as a result.


Acne during pregnancy: good habits to adopt

Whether your plan is to avoid the appearance of pimples and imperfections or to get rid of them, certain habits are essential. Brigitte Letombe reveals the keys to beautiful skin for expectant moms:


  • Limit sweets
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Use cosmetics formulated for acne-prone skin that for example contain salicylic acid for treating pimples
What’s the difference between hair loss and hair mass decrease?
What’s the difference between hair loss and hair mass decrease?

Hair loss and hair thinning – also known as hair mass decrease – may seem like two sides of the same coin, but it’s important to make the distinction when looking to understand your haircare problems. Whether you suffer from hair that’s falling out, or strands that are experiencing reduced thickness and quality, the solution lies in improving your hair’s strength, resistance and overall health for an optimum growth cycle.


Hair loss:

In medical terms, hair loss deals with a reduction in the number of hairs attached to the scalp, qualified as over 100 hairs lost per day. As a result, the quantity of the hair is significantly impacted. Hair loss occurs as a result of certain factors (see below) that affect the hair’s life cycle, considerably shortening hair growth. On average, the hair’s life cycle lasts a year or less before the follicle detaches, preventing hair from growing past a certain length.


When it comes to factors responsible for hair loss, genetics has a role to play in the majority of cases, with men more likely to suffer than women. However, hormones can also have a role to play, with many women reporting a phenomenon of sudden hair loss shortly after giving birth. Other factors that can affect hair loss include stress, fatigue and diet, as well as ‘classic’ exposome factors such as pollution and tobacco.


According to Florence Benech, “Not all anti-aging serums are appropriate for sensitive skin.” To be sure that they will able to tolerate them, women generally look at the dosing. But it is just as important to examine the type of ingredients and the way they are formulated.


Hair mass decrease:

While hair loss can be prolonged or take place over a short space of time, hair thinning – also described as hair mass decrease – is generally felt more gradually. Vichy’s experts have identified two main causes of hair mass decrease: physiological hair aging, resulting in fewer, smaller and weaker hair follicles, and damage linked to external aggressions. Visible symptoms of hair mass decrease commonly include thinner hair fibers, reduced hair density, and weaker or more fragile hair that lacks volume and is prone to breakage- women often notice a decrease in hair mass as their ponytails start to feel less voluminous.


Although hair may fall out, it’s the quality, thickness and health of the remaining hair follicles that give the impression of thinner hair. Following a tailored haircare regime designed to strengthen and reinforce existing hair fibers can help, as can paying attention to your hairstyle and hair care techniques.

Menopause and hot flashes – understanding how and why
Menopause and hot flashes – understanding how and why

When hormone levels are altered, the entire balance of the body changes. As well as the end of menstrual cycles, women see other menopausal symptoms and effects affect their everyday lives. One of the most widespread concerns? Hot flashes. As many as 80% of women have hot flashes and they are one of the biggest causes for discomfort. Hot flashes occur in the five years prior to menopause, throughout peri-menopause and up to ten years after. What exactly are hot flashes? A hot flash is a sudden, uncontrollable and spontaneous sensation of heat in the neck and face often accompanied by redness, as well as sweating. Chills are often reported immediately after. The phenomenon also occurs at night, taking the shape of the infamous night sweats. Why do hot flashes happen? The decrease in oestrogen levels disrupts the mechanisms regulating the body’s temperature. It all starts in the hypothalamus, the body’s natural “thermostat”. When this gland is disrupted, it wrongly sends out the message that the body is too hot, triggering acceleration in heart rate, dilation of the blood vessels and activation of perspiration – all natural mechanisms designed to cool us down. This is very useful in the summertime when we’re exercising but it’s much less appreciated when it happens out of the blue, catching us unawares. Can I reduce hot flashes? These peaks of heat can be made worse by a number of factors, such as intense emotion, stress or alcohol. Steering clear of caffeine, spicy food and stress, as well as cigarettes can help reduce the flashes.


To optimise your comfort, wear loose clothing and breathable fabrics. To try to pin down your triggers, keep a journal of your symptoms and write down your food and drink intake and note when hot flashes occur. Keeping a diary may help establish a pattern, and help you find a way to avoid these unwanted episodes. More tips to manage my hot flashes Did you know soya-derived products have been found to help combat hot flashes? Indeed, soya derivatives contain high levels of isoflavones, oestrogen-like phyto-hormones that help regulate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Tofu may seem a bit bland, but when cooked properly this soya-derived “cheese” is delicious. It’s worth a try! Tofu also contains iron and calcium, which are key minerals for good health. Why not try having soya milk with your breakfast cereal instead of your usual, or pan-fried soya with seasonal vegetables for lunch or dinner? Edamame beans – young soybeans in the pod – are also a great option, with a pinch of salt as a healthy snack or appetizer.


Which supplements can I take? Try oestrogen-like plants: evening primrose, chaste tree, soya, hops or even red clover. Rhodolia and magnesium can also be added to regulate mood. As for the dosage, it depends widely on each individual. It is essential to ask your pharmacist, naturopath or micro-nutritionist for advice so that you can get the right treatment that works for you.

L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?
L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?

Nous connaissons toutes les bienfaits de l’Huile d’Argan; elle est reconnue pour ses propriétés nutritives, régénérante et restructurante. L’argan, grâce à sa richesse en vitamine E, a la capacité de restaurer le film hydro-lipidique. L’huile d’argan est utilisée depuis la nuit des temps par les femmes berbères du Maroc pour ses vertus exceptionnelles.

Il existe différentes façons d’utiliser l’huile d’argan. Les connaissez-vous ?


1. En massage :

Commençons par le massage des zones relâchées : cuisses, bras, ventre. Versez de l’huile d’argan au creux de votre main, chauffez l’huile puis appliquez la sur les zones désirées en effectuant des massages circulaires et des palpés roulés. Massez jusqu’à ce que l’huile pénètre le plus possible.


2. Pour le visage et le corps :

Reconnue pour ses vertus anti-oxydantes, elle protège des agressions extérieures. Régénérante, elle lutte contre le vieillissement cutané. Adoucissante et nourrissante, elle assure un grand confort. Versez dans le creux de la main quelques gouttes de ce nectar. Du bout des doigts, massez délicatement le visage, le cou et le corps.


3. Pour les ongles et cuticules :

L’huile d’argan est idéale pour nourrir l’ongle et de le fortifier naturellement.
Astuces pour l’application : Trempez un coton-tige directement dans l’huile et appliquez-le sur l’ongle.


4. Le « must » en application sur les cheveux :

Vous avez les cheveux secs, cassants, dévitalisés, fourchus ? Bref rien ne va plus ? En utilisant l’huile d’argan sur les cheveux, ils retrouveront toute leur brillance, souplesse et douceur.


Nos conseils d’utilisation :

  • En masque rapide avant le shampooing: humidifiez vos cheveux (bien les essorer), versez dans votre main de l’huile chauffez-la, puis appliquez-la sur les longueurs en insistant sur les pointes. Laissez poser 10 minutes puis procédez au shampooing. Pour celles qui ont les cheveux très secs associés à des chutes il est possible d’appliquer l’huile dès la racine, pour fortifier le cuir chevelu.


  • En masque pendant la nuit : appliquez l’huile sur cheveux humides, enroulez vos cheveux et faites un chignon assez haut de manière à ce que cela ne gêne pas la nuit. Le lendemain faites un shampooing. Résultat vos cheveux sont revigorés et brillants.


  • En sérum de jour : appliquez quelques gouttes sur les pointes sèches
Habits that could be damaging your skin
Habits that could be damaging your skin

There are many things that we do day-to-day that could be damaging our skin without us realising. These are often habits we have formed over time thinking we are doing the best for our bodies, but we could be doing more harm than good.

The most common daily habits we have that can be detrimental to our skin’s health: 


Too much caffeine

Many of us will start our day with a cup of coffee, and continue to drink it to keep us feeling alert throughout the day. However, too much caffeine can have a negative effect on our skin due to its dehydrating properties. Caffeinated drinks can also play havoc with your blood sugar levels, which has also been known to aggravate skin conditions such as acne. To stop your favourite caffeine-laden beverages from having an effect on your skin, try and switch for decaf options or green tea.


Popping pimples & squeezing blackheads

It can be tempting to squeeze a spot when we see one emerge on our face, but there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t pop a pimple when it makes an appearance.

One of the main reasons is that you can tear the skin, creating more damage to an already sensitive area. There is also a chance that long nails can cause further damage to the surrounding healthy skin. Popping pimples has also been known to cause scars, and this is often the case for those who have suffered with severe acne previously.


Using too many products in your skincare routine

Skin has a delicate pH balance, and mixing a number of different products together can upset this balance. Use only the very basics, i.e. cleanser and moisturiser. This not only reduces the amount of chemicals you apply to your skin, but it will also speed up your skincare routine!



Exfoliation is used to remove a build up of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, but too much can be too harsh and actually damage the skin. It has been advised by some dermatologists that you should exfoliate around 2-3 times every week. This helps to keep the skin clean and pores unclogged, but also ensures you aren’t damaging the newly refreshed skin. It’s also important to use an exfoliant that has smaller granules as it offers more gentle exfoliation. Natural products made from organic ingredients are great for this. They often use ground almonds and other natural ingredients, which are great for the health of your skin.


Too much talking on the phone

When we use our mobile phones we will often hold them against our face. However, how often do you clean your phone? For many people, the answer to this question is never.

For those on the phone multiple times a day, breakouts around the cheek or jaw line area may be noticeable. This is due to the bacteria being carried on your handset and spreading to your skin. Simply wiping your phone regularly with a gentle disinfecting wipe or makeup wipe can help to remove some of this bacteria and decrease the chance of breakouts.

How to get rid of fleas in your home?
How to get rid of fleas in your home?

It’s bad enough to find a few fleas in your home, but it’s even worse when you realize there may be a lot more. In fact, by the time you see a flea, there’s a good chance you have a full-blown flea infestation in your home. Adult fleas make up only 5% of a flea infestation. The remaining 95% consists of flea eggs, flea larvae and pupae hiding in your home and in your yard. Fleas are notoriously difficult to get rid of once they’ve made themselves at home, due to the rate at which they reproduce and the extent to which they can spread throughout the house.


How to get rid of fleas in your home?


  • Treat your pet and all other animals. Even if you’ve only seen fleas on one pet, there is a possibility that your other pets have them as well. Maintain a regular, long-term treatment schedule for each pet to limit the spread and help stop an infestation in its tracks.


  • Vacuum floors, carpets, area rugs and furniture. Remember to empty your vacuum cleaner and dispose of the bag after each use to prevent eggs from possibly hatching inside, which could lead to future flea infestation. Vacuum on a regular basis, especially in areas that pets frequent, until the infestation is cleared.


  • Wash pet bedding, including covers and inserts, in hot water. The hot water will help kill any remaining eggs or larvae on the fabric. This is an essential step for eliminating all the fleas. It is important to wash the bedding on a regular basis until the infestation is cleared.


  • Wash your family bedding in hot water. Treat these items with a household flea spray or wash them in hot water. The hot water will help kill remaining fleas and flea larvae, and remove flea dirt (a food source for immature fleas). Wash bathroom rugs and throw blankets, too — any places your pet likes to sleep or lounge.


  • Don’t forget to address uncommon flea hiding spots. Fleas can hide in cars and cabinets — but people often forget about these spaces. Remember to vacuum any fabric surfaces inside your car, and make sure your pet sits on a blanket that can be changed and washed regularly. Treat cabinets by vacuuming and following up with a flea spray.


  • Clean all of your dog’s or cat’s soft toys. Even your dog’s beloved squeaky plush or your cat’s toy mouse could potentially harbor flea eggs and larvae. If these toys can’t be washed, they may have to be thrown away.


How to help keep an infestation from coming back?

You may have worked hard to get rid of fleas in your home, but the entire cycle can repeat. Stay vigilant! All your hard work could be undone by visiting wildlife in your yard, a puppy play date or unhatched eggs that survived the first round of cleaning. Repeat the above steps as necessary until you no longer find fleas in your house.

Understanding dry eyes
Understanding dry eyes

Dry eye is the loss or reduction of the eye's ability to produce normal tears. It is one of the most frequent causes of visits to an eye care professional. A variety of factors may cause or contribute to this problem; some are age-related, some are related to the environment. It is a common and treatable condition.


Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eye can come from a number of causes, both physical and environmental. One common cause is when tear glands slow down tear production – a normal occurrence that happens with age, especially in women going through menopause.


Tear quality may also be the cause of dry eyes. In a normal tear, there are three components – water, mucous, and oil. These three components work together to provide the proper amount of moisture, distribute moisture evenly across the ocular surface, and prevent evaporation that can cause eyes to become dry. If any of the three components is compromised, the eye may not get the nourishment and protection it needs. Most commonly, there is not enough oil in the tears, leading to the evaporation that causes dry eye.


Diminished tear production may be associated with certain medications, such as antihistamines, birth control pills, diuretics, high blood pressure medicines, heart medicines, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatories, and certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or thyroid problems.


Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye

Regardless of the cause of dry eye, the signs and symptoms are similar. An eye care professional can diagnose dry eye through a comprehensive exam, observing tear flow and quality, as well as examining the ocular surface and eyelids for the following:

  • Eye redness
  • Eye irritation
  • Watery eyes
  • Eye stinging or burning
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Your eye care professional will evaluate your eye condition to determine if you have dry eye and what may be causing it.


Treatment for Dry Eye

Dry eye is treated in a number of ways, to help soothe the symptoms or treat the underlying cause. The most common forms of treatment for dry eye include:

  • Minimize drying: avoid dry situations, such as an overheated room, wind or smoke. Outdoors, wear wraparound glasses to reduce drying effect of the wind.
  • Artificial tears: comforts eyes by supplementing natural tears, commonly used for mild cases of dry eye
  • Prescription eye drops: stimulates the production of natural tears, or inhibit ocular surface inflammation
How to get rid of blackheads?
How to get rid of blackheads?

When it comes to getting rid of blackheads, it's commonly believed that pore strips and blackhead extractors are the most effective methods. Is this true? Or, are there less invasive ways of getting rid of blackheads? Here's what you need to know.


What are blackheads and why do they develop?

Blackheads are the result of a build-up of skin cells and sebum. Unlike whiteheads however, they become exposed to the air – known as oxidation – and turn a dark color. They can occur on any skin type but are most likely to appear on naturally oily skin in places where there are high concentrations of sebaceous glands. The environment, such as pollution or sun exposure, can also be responsible for blackheads.


Traditional ways of getting rid of blackheads include squeezing with the fingers, pore strips, blackhead extractors, and dermatological procedures such as microdermabrasion. However, it's important to know that any time you push or pull at your skin, you risk spreading bacteria and/or damaging the fragile epidermis.


How salicylic and glycolic acids can get rid of blackheads?

Skin care ingredients such as salicylic acid and glycolic acid have been proven to exfoliate and penetrate deep into the pores and aid in the removal. Salicylic acid has properties that enable it to break up the skin’s follicular keratotic plugs - in other words, the oily components of a blackhead. This means that they can be washed right off instead of forcing them out. Glycolic acid, meanwhile, acts as an exfoliator and promotes profound cell turnover so that pores do not become blocked. These two ingredients are a great way to get rid of blackheads, without spreading bacteria.


So, before you apply pressure to your face, think about the more gentle - yet effective - topical solutions as part of a skincare routine, which can also prevent skin damage, acne scarring and can help get rid of blackheads.

The best ways to protect your pet from ticks
The best ways to protect your pet from ticks

Ticks can be a big problem for pets and their owners. But you can stay ahead of the game by knowing what to look out for and using a product to help protect your pet.


Know your ticks

Ticks are tiny parasites related to spiders that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They can be found anywhere in the world that wildlife live – particularly in the countryside grazed by sheep or deer – but also in town parks and even residential gardens. While ticks may only be a couple of millimeters long before they feed, they can grow to nearly a centimeter as they feast on blood. They can’t fly, but use what is known as “questing” behaviour. They climb to the top of a grass blade or other vegetation, extend their front legs, and latch onto your dog (or you!) as it passes by.


The hazards posed by ticks

Tick bites are hard to feel as a tick’s saliva has an anesthetizing effect. They often don’t even cause your dog to scratch. This means that unless you see the tick, you probably won’t know your dog has been bitten. Ticks are known to carry many diseases, including Lyme Disease, Canine Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis or Anaplasmosis. They can transmit these diseases to dogs and, in some cases, to humans with a single bite. All of these diseases can cause a range of symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, lameness, swollen joints and swollen lymph nodes, and can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Veterinarians and public health professionals throughout the world know the dangers of tick-borne diseases. The distribution of these diseases is increasing due to climate change and increased travel for pets. There are more cases in areas where the disease had not previously been found. Dogs imported from endemic areas are of particular concern for spread of a disease.

Ticks spend the bulk of their life cycle outdoors and their development and survival depend on the climate. The effects of climate change on ticks can be seen in a 30-year study conducted in Sweden, which showed a clear expansion of the parasite’s distribution range towards northern latitudes.1 Climate change means that ticks previously unseen in some regions might start to appear, along with the diseases that they can carry.


What about cats?

Tick-borne diseases in cats are much less common, but ticks can still cause problems. Ticks, as well as fleas, can also transmit a disease called Feline Infectious Anemia. This is a bacterial infection, which can lead to severe anaemia. Other serious diseases that can be transmitted from ticks to cats include Cytauxzoonosis, Tularemia, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. Therefore, tick protection is still important for cats. On one hand, you protect your furry friend from unpleasant parasites and the transmission of diseases. On the other hand, you will protect yourselves and your family because some tick-borne diseases can also have zoonotic consequences.

Vectors, and diseases that they may transmit, are different in different parts of the world. This is important to consider when pets travel or when pets are imported. Always ask your vet for advice before your travel abroad. See video from Ian Wright for more information.


 Stopping ticks in their tracks

As a dog owner, you do everything to keep your friend healthy and happy and protect him or her from getting sick. But tick-borne diseases can be difficult to treat, and early recognition and treatment is important. You should always consult a doctor or vet if you are concerned about a member of your family, including your pet.

It is essential for pet owners to know that parasite protection is not optional. Repelling ticks before they have any opportunity to bite and transmit diseases can go a long way towards ensuring the health of a pet. This means that the correct use of effective tick protection is now more important than ever before and plays a key role in keeping pets safe.

Contact your local veterinarian for information and advice on effective parasite protection to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. This includes general preventative measures of pet owners. However, limiting exposure to ticks is currently the most effective method of prevention.