Blog posts of '2021' 'September'

Le sport et l’hygiène intime
Le sport et l’hygiène intime

La sédentarité étant notre pire ennemie, toute activité sportive est bénéfique pour la santé. Elle renforce les muscles et les os, protège le cœur et les artères, limite la prise de poids, diminue le risque de certains cancers et notamment du cancer du sein, protège le cerveau ainsi mieux irrigué et améliore l’humeur.


Mais il arrive que ces instants, s’ils sont prolongés ou intenses, soient gâchés par des sensations de gêne intime voire des irritations. Quelques conseils pour limiter ces dernières :


Avant de pratiquer un sport (jogging, sport d’endurance…) qui fait transpirer, il faut tout faire pour éviter les conséquences de la macération et des frottements.


  • Choisir des sous-vêtements blancs en coton 100% (si possible) et non en matière synthétique (comme le lycra ou le latex).


  • Ne pas porter de pantalons ou de shorts trop serrés car ils favorisent l’humidité, la chaleur et la macération et risquent de comprimer la région vulvaire. Ils doivent être suffisamment amples pour que l’air circule et que l’humidité s’évapore.


Après le sport, il faut prendre une douche pour rafraichir et calmer les irritations créées par les frottements. Le gel douche habituel convient à tout le corps à l’exception de cette zone intime qui mérite des soins particuliers car son pH est plus acide et doit être respecté :


  • Utiliser un soin lavant doux au pH physiologique. Il aura instantanément un effet apaisant et procurera une impression de fraîcheur bienvenue après l’effort.
  • Ensuite il faut bien se rincer à l’eau pure et sécher sans frotter, juste en tamponnant.
  • Puis changez de sous vêtement après la douche.


Pour celles qui pratiquent la natation en piscine, la douche est nécessaire au sortir du bain pour éliminer toute trace de chlore qui irrite les muqueuses. Si elle n’est pas possible, on peut utiliser des lingettes intimes apaisantes en les choisissant avec précaution. Il est fortement conseillé de ne pas garder trop longtemps un maillot de bain humide sur soi.


Le sport peut provisoirement, en l’absence de ces précautions, déséquilibrer la flore vulvo-vaginale. Afin de mieux vous équiper, ci-joint notre sélection de produits Rogé Cavaillès pour l’hygiène intime :


  • Roge Cavailles Soin Toilette Intime Extra-DouxCe soin intime Extra-Doux procure jusqu’à 12 heures d’efficacité*. Avec ses actifs encapsulés, qui libèrent en continu des extraits de calendula adoucissant, il vous apporte douceur et fraîcheur toute la journée. Respectueux de la flore et de son équilibre fragile, il nettoie en douceur et préserve au quotidien l’équilibre des muqueuses, même les plus sensibles. 


  • Roge Cavailles Soin Toilette Intime Gel Fraicheur Ce soin apporte fraicheur et bien-être, tout en respectant l'équilibre intime. Formulé pour la toilette intime quotidienne, sa formule au Menthyl Lactate vous procure une réelle sensation de fraicheur. Son complexe physio-régulateur aide respecter votre équilibre intime. Il vous apporte aussi fraicheur et bien-être durablement.
Menopause: how can I hydrate my skin at 50?
Menopause: how can I hydrate my skin at 50?

Hydration is crucial to the wellbeing of your skin, no matter your age. Still, during menopause dryness is one of the most common issues and can occur regardless of the season. Below, you will see that during menopause the most important thing to treat your dry skin is to use the right products and to stick to a routine. 


Taking care of your skin during menopause is key

Hormone imbalance during menopause can decrease your skin's hydration levels. Sebaceous secretions decrease with age as well. If you have noticed that you are experiencing a dull complexion, roughness and your skin is more sensitive it means that you have to modify your skincare routine.


For once, sebum is a good thing, keep it coming!


Here are a few steps you can take to hydrate on a daily basis:

  • Use gentle cleansers that protect your skin barrier function twice a day and try to avoid hot water
  • Moisturise your face and body at least twice a day
  • Choose products that contain water-attracting ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerine
  • Flaky, rough skin needs regular exfoliation as well, because it may not absorb the hydrators that you are applying. The key is to remove the dead skin cells from the top layer. Either you can do it at home or you can also try in-office professional care like chemical peels, or microdermabrasion. Always use broad-spectrum sun protection products after exfoliation. Consult your dermatologist to determine the best treatment course for your skin needs. 
  • Consider living a healthier life! Smoking, alcohol, and excessive tanning without sun protection can worsen your skin condition and cause dryness.
  • Start using hydrating face mist or spray thermal water during the day and avoid the places where the air is dry. This extra dose of hydration can do a lot for your skin throughout the day.
  • And, please, do not forget to eat well. Drink suitable amounts of water to provide enough hydration to your body. Try to include water-rich products and omega-3 fatty acids to your daily diet.


Key elements to remember

Hydrating is a must do. It is the "how to" that matters the most. Keys to preventing dryness:


  • No perfume
  • Avoid hot water when you cleanse 
  • Be sure to hydrate at least twice a day
  • And maintain a healthy lifestyle
Tips for successful wear of soft contact lenses
Tips for successful wear of soft contact lenses

In order to help ensure crisp, clear vision, better eye health and maximum lens wearing comfort, consider these important tips for successful lens wear and care.


These tips will help guide you, but always follow the advice of your eye care professional.



  • Always wash your hands with a mild soap and dry them with a lint-free towel before touching your lenses.
  • Always clean, rinse, and disinfect your lenses each time you remove them. Follow your eye care professional’s instructions.
  • Always handle the same lens first to avoid confusing the right and left lenses.
  • Always keep all solution bottles closed when not in use.
  • Always clean your lens case daily and let air dry. Replace your lens case every three months.
  • Always use solution before expiration date marked on bottle, or discard.
  • Always remove contacts before you go swimming.
  • Always keep your ReNu MultiPlus product with you at all times.
  • Always carry your contact lens case along with a bottle of multi-purpose solution to have a safe place to store your lenses.
  • Always schedule regular appointments with your eye care professional as he/she recommends.


  • Never allow soaps, cosmetics, or other substances to come into contact with your lenses.
  • Never touch the tip of a lens care solution bottle to any surface, including your finger or the contact lens.
  • Never re-use any lens care solution.
  • Never use eye drops or solutions not intended for use with contact lenses.
  • Never wear your contact lenses in the presence of harmful or irritating vapors or fumes.
  • Never wear lenses for more than the prescribed time.
  • Never swap contact lenses with anyone.
  • Never apply hairspray after putting your contact lenses on.


Always read the label. Use only as directed. Your optometrist will advise you whether this product is suitable for you.

How to cope with sleep deprivation as a new mum?
How to cope with sleep deprivation as a new mum?

Here are our tips on how to cope with sleep deprivation as a new mum:


Sleep when you can: Everyone will tell you to ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ but you probably won’t! All mums know this is the only time you have to shower, eat, have a hot cut of tea or run around being excited about having a sleeping baby. However, it is important to try and recoup lost sleep and you will feel a lot better for it. Set aside at least a couple of nap times a week to sleep, the housework can wait. And if you have other children which makes naptime naps impossible, go to bed at the same time as them in the evening.


Drink lots of water: You’ll feel worse if you are dehydrated, so make sure you drink lots of  water. Reports are conflicting about caffeine, but have a coffee or tea if you think it will wake you up.


Make sure you eat properly: It’s easy to skip meals or survive on toast when you have no free hands, but eating a balanced meal and lots of fruit and veg will give you energy for the day. Try not to carb-load or have too many sugary snacks, as tempting as they are when you’re tired.


Get someone else to hold the baby: Have a nap when your partner is around. Or try and find time when a grandparent, or a visitor, is there and get them to look after the baby for an hour while you sleep.


If you can’t sleep, rest: When you’re really tired, try and down tools to do as little as possible, especially when you have another child. Have a movie day or TV afternoon. Set out some toys of the floor while you relax on the sofa. Let them play in the garden to burn off steam, where you can sit and watch. 


Take a break if you feel stressed: Sleep deprivation can leave you feeling foggy and probably more than a little bit grumpy. It’s easy to snap when you’re sleep deprived, especially when it seems like your children won’t listen and are demanding a lot. If you feel like you’re going to get angry, make sure they are all safe and leave the room to catch your breath and clear your head.


Accept all offers of help: Sleep deprivation is tough and it’s hard to operate as normal. Accept all offers of help, from meals through to letting someone else do the washing up.


Be kind to yourself! The most important tip of all for when you cope with sleep deprivation is to be kind to yourself. It’s hard to operate as normal, although everyone still expects you too, and sleep deprivation can make you snappy and grumpy with those around you. You’re doing the best job you can, and don’t forget that.

Why Hydrated Skin is the Secret to Glowy Makeup?
Why Hydrated Skin is the Secret to Glowy Makeup?

If you love makeup, you probably know that hydrated skin is an essential part of a healthy, glowy look. Moisturizing certainly plays a vital role in a healthy complexion: water is responsible for giving skin its smooth, soft and velvety appearance, whereas dehydration will result in skin that is dull, rough and has fine lines. So, it makes sense that makeup applied on hydrated skin will look better, and also require less coverage. Here’s how.


Why is hydration so important for glowing skin?

Without adequate hydration, your skin feels tight and uncomfortable. Your skin is vulnerable to environmental factors like pollution and smoke. These aggressions can result in less smoothed skin, which makes makeup crease more easily. In addition, your complexion also becomes dry and flakey1, often resulting in more makeup being used to counteract these symptoms. That’s why it is important to first treat dehydration, in order to get your skin makeup-ready. and sensitive skin, but also to wrinkles and dark spots3. For your makeup routine, this implies having to add heavy layers to cover up fine lines, blemishes and redness, without treating the real problem. But now you can reduce the affect of all these issues with Minéral 89! This skin booster creates a film over the skin’s surface to decrease pollution adherence. The result? Healthy skin to obtain a natural coverage.


How can Vichy Mineral 89 improve the appearance of your makeup?

Minéral 89 can be beneficial for all steps of your makeup routine. The first one is to use the booster to prepare the skin, even before your usual primer, foundation or concealer. This not only helps to improve application of products to the skin, but also smooth skin to help have a more even coverage for a glowing, healthy skin. If you have sensitive skin, Minéral 89 can unify skin and reduce any discomforts you may experience.

With the skin booster, you won't have to worry about your makeup drying out early on, as it helps to lock in moisture all day long. It can also smooth out skin, helping it to look radiant and healthy. Before bed, remember to remove all your makeup and apply the skin booster one more time. You can bet your skin will be less dehydrated and smoothed by morning.


Who can use Minéral 89?

Minéral 89 is recommended for all skin types. Its lightweight texture makes it perfect for oily, and sensitive skin types. It can be used day and night, as the first step of your skincare routine- booster first, cream second. So, before putting on makeup and your sun protection, don’t forget to apply Minéral 89.

Is your blood pressure placing you at risk?
Is your blood pressure placing you at risk?

Hypertension – or persistently high blood pressure – is often referred to as a “silent killer”. It presents with little to no symptoms and affects more and more young people being affected. But what exactly is it, and how do you know if you’re in danger?


What is blood pressure?

The term refers to the pressure within your blood vessels. It’s generated by the pumping action of your heart and counteracted by the resistance of the smaller arterial vessels. Blood pressure is essential to life, as it keeps your blood flowing, delivering oxygen and vital nutrients to your organs. High blood pressure, however, “increases the force of the blood against the artery walls, and over time can damage your arteries, resulting in loss of elasticity and hardening, which puts extra stress on your heart,” warns Jessica Byrne of the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA). “In the long term, hypertension can affect your organs, resulting in heart disease, stroke, blindness and kidney failure.”


Get yours checked now – it’s simple!

Considering its high prevalence and that it’s the single most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease worldwide (causing four in 10 heart attacks and more than half of stroke incidence), the HSFSA recommends that you have your blood pressure checked annually from age 20. It’s a simple and painless procedure that is done with a blood pressure gauge or sphygmometer, which consists of an inflatable cuff that restricts the blood flow and a mercury or mechanical manometer that measures the pressure.


“Your blood pressure is read in a systolic and diastolic measurement – this represents the blood pressure in your arteries during the contraction and relaxation of your heart, respectively,” explains Byrne. “An ideal blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. It can be a little higher or a little lower than this and still be considered healthy.” Hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure is consistently above 140 systolic or 90 diastolic, says Byrne. “Blood pressure over 130/85 is referred to as pre-hypertension and in this case, your physician would make a clinical decision regarding treatment.” In patients with other risk factors, such as diabetes or heart disease, blood pressure needs to be controlled below 130/85mmHg. Follow-up blood pressure checks are advised every three months after diagnosis.


The earlier hypertension is diagnosed, the earlier it can be managed with medication and lifestyle adaptations such as dietary changes, weight loss, stopping smoking and eating less salt.

Should you be using a face mask?
Should you be using a face mask?

Benefits of face masks

Whether you’re trying to combat oiliness, tackle congestion or restore moisture levels, there’s a face mask for almost every skin concern. As a general rule of thumb, masks that provide an exfoliating effect are best at tackling concerns such as dullness, while mineral clay formulas are better suited to blocked pores and congestion. Sheet masks, on the other hand, are largely used to restore hydration levels, and to create a beautiful base for makeup.


Prepping the skin before a face mask

One common mistake that many people make when using a face mask for the first time, is skipping a thorough cleanse beforehand. It’s vital that you create a clean, dry base before applying your mask, as this will remove all traces of dirt, makeup and pollution and allow skin-boosting ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin - and most importantly, work their magic far more effectively.


Applying your face mask

If you are applying a mineral clay or exfoliating mask, make sure you cover the entire face and neck, while avoiding the delicate eye area. Gently tap the fingertips over the face, before massaging in any excess or dabbing it off with a tissue.


Knowing when to remove your mask

You should always check the directions of each individual face mask for usage instructions, but as a general rule, five minutes is adequate time for a mineral mask. Be careful to not let clay formulas dry too much before you remove them, as this can strip the skin of essential oils. Some sheet masks however, are designed to be left for a longer period of time, up to 20 minutes as they saturate the skin with moisture, rather than providing a deep cleanse. Use this time to sit back, relax and enjoy a few moments of peace.


All you need to know on Activated Charcoal
All you need to know on Activated Charcoal

It’s the buzz word with claims it can do everything from detox problem skin to purify the digestive system. SO what’s all the fuss about charcoal?


If you hadn’t noticed already, charcoal – the stuff traditionally used to stoke your fire – is appearing in the most unusual places. Water bottles containing charcoal shards have become de rigueur among the yoga set, you can buy charcoal pills and powder in health shops and it’s now also found in trendy foods – ice-cream, salads, smoothies, ‘detox lemonade’ and even burger buns are being given the charcoal treatment, all gaining a pleasingly dark hue with this added ingredient. And that’s not all. The burnt wood is now much lorded in the beauty industry and being used in beauty products – from tooth whitening kits, toothpaste, activated charcoal masks and soaps.


Why is charcoal beneficial?

Charcoal is known for its health-giving and detoxifying benefits and has been used to rid the body of toxins and bacteria (both internally and topically) for centuries, with the earliest records dating right back to the Egyptians in 1550 BC. It’s purported to absorb 100-200 times its weight in impurities making it an excellent natural product to purify and deeply cleanse skin.


What is activated charcoal?

It’s not just any old charcoal you need for maximum beauty benefits; the ‘activated’ kind is the only one to buy. Activated charcoal is created when oxygen is added to regular charcoal. This process increases the surface area of the particles to attract impurities and hold them there in a process called adsorption, rather than absorption. Up until recently, it was mostly used by doctors to treat poison, GI tract infections, nausea and even alcohol poisoning and drug overdoses. It works by attaching to toxins in the stomach and absorbing them before the bloodstream can.


Activated charcoal for skin

It might seem counterintuitive to spread a black colored paste onto your skin to cleanse and purify it but activated charcoal does just that. Activated charcoal face masks act like a magnet and help draw bacteria, poisons, pollution, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of skin, helping you to fight problem skin and achieve a flawless complexion.

So, if you’re looking to cleanse your skin and purify your body, it’s time to take that leap of faith!

The benefits of aloe vera for skin
The benefits of aloe vera for skin

The aloe vera cactus may not seem like the obvious beauty treat, but this succulent has an unprecedented healing effect on skin and body. Read on to discover its healthful benefits, both inside and out.


Why a spiky cactus plant holds the secret to beautiful skin?

Aloe vera is a bona fide super ingredient, with a long list of health benefits and a celebrity following that dates right back to Egyptian times. Cleopatra used the plant in her beauty regime, selecting it to treat everything from burns to infections and parasites.

But it’s not only the rich and famous who reap the benefits of aloe vera for skin, it’s well known among health and beauty aficionados who seek out the medicinal wonder ingredient in everything from food supplements, drinks and smoothies to cleansers, masks and after sun care. Why? The jelly-like substance found inside the thick spiky leaves of the aloe vera cactus is laden with an impressive list of nutrients, including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active plant compounds or phytonutrients.

There’s a myriad of health benefits attributed to the plant. As well as being a potent antioxidant, aloe vera is said to boost immune function, reduce high blood pressure and aid digestion.


Aloe vera gel benefits for skin

Applied topically, the gel is purported to be outstanding for skin health. The high water content (99.5 per cent) means it’s very hydrating, soothing and cooling (that’s why it’s a common ingredient in after sun products). It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory and can treat skin conditions including psoriasis, sunburn, acne, dry skin and frostbite. Furthermore, it makes a very effective make-up remover.


Drink to health

Aloe vera has a slightly bitter flavor so is not the most pleasant tasting plant. However, blended into a smoothie with other ingredients such as berries, coconut milk and green vegetables like cucumber and spinach, it provides a nutrient-rich super drink that will cleanse your system and benefit your skin.

Tip: When using fresh aloe vera leaves, allow them to drain before cutting out the gel-like flesh from skin. Stand the leaf in a glass leaving the cut end down. A yellow substance should leak out after a while. This is a latex found just beneath the skin and is what gives the aloe vera its bitter taste. It’s also a common ingredient in laxatives.

So whether you’re ingesting it or applying it to your skin, harvesting it from a plant or buying it in products, this natural plant ingredient will soothe, hydrate and repair stressed skin, for a newly radiant look.

Signs you’re suffering from low iron
Signs you’re suffering from low iron

We are all likely to know someone who has needed an iron supplement, or we may have taken one ourselves, and this is because iron deficiency is the top nutritional deficiency in the world.


Iron is an essential element which is required for numerous cellular metabolic functions, however most importantly it is needed by the body to create red blood cells which transport oxygen throughout the body.


As many as 80% of us do not have enough iron in our bodies, so to help combat this we are looking at the four most common signs that may indicate you have low iron levels.


·         Tiredness and Fatigue

A feeling of fatigue and tiredness that does not go away with rest is one of the most common signs you may have low iron levels. Iron is a component of haemoglobin which is required by the body to carry oxygen from the lungs and transport it throughout the body. Without enough iron the body is unable to make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells, ultimately affecting your energy levels.


·         Pale Skin

Paleness throughout the body, including skin, eyelids, nails or any other area can indicate low levels of iron. This is due to low levels of haemoglobin which gives the blood its red colour and consequently our skin its rosy colour. If haemoglobin levels are low, the red blood cells become smaller and paler meaning our skin also becomes paler.


·         Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing can be a regular occurrence if you have low levels of iron, especially if you undertake regular physical activity. This is because the lack of iron present means that the body is unable to move oxygen from the lungs around the body, thus reducing oxygen levels and increasing your breathing rate as your body tries to get more oxygen.


Why so many symptoms?

Looking at these symptoms you may wonder why low levels of iron can present itself in so many ways, this is because iron plays a fundamental role in so many functions within the body, each producing a symptom which manifests itself in a different way.


Experiencing these symptoms may indicate you have an iron deficiency, if this is the case, consider testing your levels and consult your GP.